God loves Family in all its different forms
Families@HBC Blog
‘Let’s Goof off’: Why Is It Important To Spend Unstructured Time Together With Children?
In our ‘full calendar’ world with work commitments, school schedules, chores, extracurricular activities, and the constant buzz of technology (that’s not to mention the pressure to deliver ‘the childhood of a lifetime’ for our kids!) it's easy for parents and children to find themselves caught up in a whirlwind of ‘activities’. In the midst of this chaos, it's easy to find ourselves 'doing lots’ with our kids but it might mean there’s not much space for ‘being with’ our kids.
Praise Power: How Encouragement and Positive Reinforcement Can Increase Your Influence as a Parent
In the challenging yet rewarding journey of parenting, the power of praise, positive reinforcement, and encouragement cannot be overstated. By harnessing these tools effectively, you can significantly increase your influence as a parent.
How Can We Encourage Strong Sibling Relationships?
[Sibling relationships] are very key in making us who we are and if we get them right can help us maintain stability and peace way into adulthood.
What Is ‘Mum Guilt’? (And Can Dads Get It Too?)
Among the various emotions that parents experience, one particularly prevalent and universal feeling is what has become widely known as "mum guilt." This phenomenon isn't exclusively limited to mums, as dads can also grapple with similar emotions, but it has become recognised as a large part of the parenting experience. In this blog post, we'll explore the concept of mum guilt, its causes, and to what extent dads feel it too.
‘Just Like Clockwork’: The Importance of Routine in Creating Stability for Our Kids
We strive hard to provide kids with nurture and stability in the home environment so we support their growth and development. One super powerful tool in achieving this is the making of routines
Preparing for Adolescence: Strategies for Parents of Tweens and Teens
Adolescence is a time of rapid change, physically, mentally, emotionally and even spiritually and understanding the unique needs and challenges of this stage will enable us to create a healthy and supportive environment for our teens.
Promoting a Growth Mindset: Nurturing Resilience in our Children
In today's rapidly changing and increasingly ‘stressed out and anxious’ world, resilience is a super useful skill that helps children navigate challenges, embrace learning opportunities, and develop a positive outlook on life. One powerful way to cultivate resilience is by promoting a growth mindset.
Beacons: Helping children Share their Faith
We want our kids to share their faith, but we worry they might become “that religious kid” in their class. Here’s some ideas we hope can set them up to win.
Digital Age Parenting: Balancing Screen Time vs. Real-Life Experience
How can parents help kids to balance screen time and ‘real life’ experience.
Managing Stress as a parent: 8 Self-Care Ideas to help keep you sane
Parenthood is a beautiful and rewarding journey, but it can also be demanding and overwhelming at times.