Beacons: Helping children Share their Faith

As Christian parents (or guardians), it's important to guide our children in understanding the significance of sharing their faith with other people and their peers. While this is a pretty daunting task, teaching kids about sharing their faith can instil a sense of purpose and compassion in them. We want to explore ways you can help kids understand why they might share their Christian faith and empower them to be ambassadors of Jesus’ love, hope, and transformation out in the world.

  1. Emphasize God's Love and Great Commission: Start by explaining to children that sharing their faith is an expression of God's love for all people, though probably not in those terms! Help them understand that Jesus told His followers to go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19-20). Encourage them to see sharing their faith as an opportunity to share some of the amazing love and hope they have found in Jesus.

  2. Lead by Example: Children learn best through observation. Demonstrate the importance of sharing your faith by being a living example. Let kids hear your own conversations about faith in Jesus, acts of kindness, and love for others and why we might do these things. Show them that sharing their faith is not about judgment or superiority but about offering a message of love and salvation to people who need it.

  3. Encourage Questions and Open Dialogue: Create a safe and open environment where children feel comfortable asking questions about their faith and sharing their thoughts. Engage in meaningful discussions, address their doubts, and provide age-appropriate answers. This helps them develop a deeper understanding and confidence in their faith, enabling them to share it with others more effectively. If you get stuck or they ask you something you need to know more about, don’t be afraid to say you don’t know; you can always message Dazz too, he’s usually up for a challenging question!

  4. Teach Respectful and Compassionate Communication: Explain the importance of sharing their faith with respect and compassion. Encourage children to listen attentively to others' perspectives and beliefs without judgment. Teach them to engage in conversations that are rooted in empathy, understanding, and kindness. Help them realize that sharing their faith is about building bridges, not walls.

  5. Foster Relationships and Acts of Kindness: Encourage children to build genuine relationships with their peers and people from diverse backgrounds. By demonstrating love, kindness, and respect, they can create opportunities to share their faith naturally. Encourage them to perform acts of service and show compassion to those in need, reflecting the love of Christ.

  6. Equip Them with Knowledge: Provide children with age-appropriate resources that deepen their understanding of the Bible and Christian teachings. Equip them with the knowledge to explain their faith clearly and confidently. This foundation will enable them to share their faith in a way that is accessible and relatable to others. At HBC we offer you a signup to Right Now Media, and they have great kids stuff on there!

  7. Pray Together: Prayer is such a powerful tool in guiding children's hearts, minds and confidence in God. Pray together as a family, ask for wisdom, guidance, and courage to share your faith. Encourage children to pray for their friends, family members, and others who have yet to experience the love of Jesus.

Helping Christian kids understand why they might share their faith is a valuable journey that equips them to be ambassadors of God's love. By emphasizing God's love, teaching by example, encouraging open dialogue, fostering respectful communication, fostering relationships and acts of kindness, providing knowledge, and praying together, we can empower children to confidently share their faith and make a positive impact on the lives of others for eternity! May they grow to be compassionate, loving, and courageous messengers of the good news of Jesus.

God Bless


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