God loves Family in all its different forms
Families@HBC Blog
Praise Power: How Encouragement and Positive Reinforcement Can Increase Your Influence as a Parent
In the challenging yet rewarding journey of parenting, the power of praise, positive reinforcement, and encouragement cannot be overstated. By harnessing these tools effectively, you can significantly increase your influence as a parent.
How Can We Encourage Strong Sibling Relationships?
[Sibling relationships] are very key in making us who we are and if we get them right can help us maintain stability and peace way into adulthood.
‘Just Like Clockwork’: The Importance of Routine in Creating Stability for Our Kids
We strive hard to provide kids with nurture and stability in the home environment so we support their growth and development. One super powerful tool in achieving this is the making of routines
Preparing for Adolescence: Strategies for Parents of Tweens and Teens
Adolescence is a time of rapid change, physically, mentally, emotionally and even spiritually and understanding the unique needs and challenges of this stage will enable us to create a healthy and supportive environment for our teens.